41 Arae A
6 Planets (size proportional to Sqrt(Radius))
Sun Rock Rock Martian Ice Ice Jovian See
Stellar charactersistics
Stellar mass 0.90 solar masses
Stellar luminosity 0.41
Age 3.032 billion years
(18.919 billion left on main sequence)
Habitable ecosphere radius 0.640 AU

Planetary Overview
1 Rock Rock 0.358 AU 0.008 EM 0.203 ER
2 Rock Rock 0.395 AU 0.240 EM 0.626 ER
3 Martian Martian 0.921 AU 0.333 EM 0.698 ER
4 Ice Ice 1.427 AU 2.221 EM 1.294 ER
5 Ice Ice 2.273 AU 1.973 EM 1.246 ER
6 Jovian Jovian 3.583 AU 134.416 EM 8.008 ER

Planet #1 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star5.4E+07 KM0.358 AU
Mass4.9E+22Kg0.008 Earth masses
Surface gravity192.8 cm/sec20.20 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 85.6° Celcius
186.0° Fahrenheit
+71.6° C Earth temperature
+128.8° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-219.7° C
-363.5° F
- 266.9° C
512.3° F
Equatorial radius1297.5 Km0.2 Earth radii
Density5.32 grams/cc0.96 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.047
Escape Velocity 2.2 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained497.4 and above
Axial tilt18°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature4061.57° K+2788.57° C Earth temperature
Length of year82.64 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day1983.25 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celcius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #2 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star5.9E+07 KM0.395 AU
Mass1.4E+24Kg0.240 Earth masses
Surface gravity600.2 cm/sec20.61 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 68.6° Celcius
155.5° Fahrenheit
+54.6° C Earth temperature
+98.3° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-223.9° C
-371.0° F
- 245.5° C
473.9° F
Equatorial radius3990.4 Km0.63 Earth radii
Density5.38 grams/cc0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.019
Escape Velocity 6.9 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained42.8 and aboveCO2, N2O, NO2, O3, SO2, SO3, Kr, Xe
Axial tilt17°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature3345.57° K+2072.57° C Earth temperature
Length of year95.57 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day2293.74 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celcius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #3 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star1.4E+08 KM0.921 AU
Mass2E+24Kg0.333 Earth masses
Surface gravity671.5 cm/sec20.68 Earth gees
Surface pressure 125 millibars0.123 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-79.9° Celcius
-111.9° Fahrenheit
-93.9° C Earth temperature
-169.1° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-89.9° C
-129.8° F
- -70.4° C
-94.7° F
-120.3° C
-184.6° F
- -41.7° C
-43.0° F
Equatorial radius4449.8 Km0.7 Earth radii
Density5.40 grams/cc0.98 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.273
Escape Velocity 7.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 6.4 and aboveN, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Axial tilt28°
Planetary albedo 0.60
Exospheric Temperature614.73° K-658.27° C Earth temperature
Length of year340.54 Earth days391.91 Local days
Length of day20.85 hours
Boiling point of water50.2° Celcius
122.4° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.3
Ice cover percentage81.1

Planet #4 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
High-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thick atmosphere
Distance from primary star2.1E+08 KM1.427 AU
Mass1.3E+25Kg2.221 Earth masses
Surface gravity1299.8 cm/sec21.33 Earth gees
Surface pressure 5552 millibars5.479 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-86.0° Celcius
-122.9° Fahrenheit
-100.0° C Earth temperature
-180.1° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-87.2° C
-124.9° F
- -85.0° C
-120.9° F
-97.5° C
-143.4° F
- -75.3° C
-103.5° F
Equatorial radius8254.8 Km1.3 Earth radii
Density5.63 grams/cc1 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.067
Escape Velocity14.6 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.7 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt32°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature256.41° K-1016.59° C Earth temperature
Length of year656.12 Earth days1182.56 Local days
1.80 Earth years
Length of day13.32 hours
Boiling point of water153.9° Celcius
309.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 1.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #5 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
High-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thick atmosphere
Distance from primary star3.4E+08 KM2.273 AU
Mass1.2E+25Kg1.973 Earth masses
Surface gravity1245.8 cm/sec21.27 Earth gees
Surface pressure 4381 millibars4.323 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-137.4° Celcius
-215.3° Fahrenheit
-151.4° C Earth temperature
-272.5° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-138.3° C
-217.0° F
- -136.5° C
-213.7° F
-148.5° C
-235.4° F
- -127.0° C
-196.6° F
Equatorial radius7947.0 Km1.2 Earth radii
Density5.61 grams/cc1 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.025
Escape Velocity14.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.3 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt33°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature101.03° K-1171.97° C Earth temperature
Length of year1319.28 Earth days2331.57 Local days
3.61 Earth years
Length of day13.58 hours
Boiling point of water145.5° Celcius
293.9° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #6 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star5.4E+08 KM3.583 AU
Mass8E+26Kg134.416 Earth masses
20.079 Earth masses dust
114.337 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius51072.9 Km8 Earth radii
Density1.44 grams/cc0.26 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.038
Escape Velocity45.8 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt31°
Planetary albedo 0.52
Exospheric Temperature 40.66° K-1232.34° C Earth temperature
Length of year2610.60 Earth days6949.24 Local days
7.15 Earth years
Length of day9.02 hours

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