Epsilon Indi
14 Planets (size proportional to Sqrt(Radius))
Sun Rock Rock Ice Martian Ice Venusian Martian Jovian Martian Jovian Rock Sub-Jovian Rock Rock See
Stellar charactersistics
Stellar mass 0.65 solar masses
Stellar luminosity 0.14
Age 4.639 billion years
(41.790 billion left on main sequence)
Habitable ecosphere radius 0.374 AU

Planetary Overview
1 Rock Rock 0.264 AU 0.043 EM 0.354 ER
2 Rock Rock 0.410 AU 0.134 EM 0.516 ER
3 Ice Ice 0.658 AU 0.405 EM 0.744 ER
4 Martian Martian 0.886 AU 0.027 EM 0.304 ER
5 Ice Ice 1.113 AU 0.572 EM 0.833 ER
6 Venusian Venusian 1.955 AU 6.499 EM 2.383 ER
7 Martian Martian 4.094 AU 0.342 EM 0.939 ER
8 Jovian Jovian 5.008 AU 94.498 EM 7.770 ER
9 Martian Martian 6.817 AU 1.092 EM 1.369 ER
10 Jovian Jovian 11.695 AU 58.676 EM 7.257 ER
11 Rock Rock 14.715 AU 0.379 EM 0.972 ER
12 Sub-Jovian Sub-Jovian 25.424 AU 2.628 EM 3.129 ER
13 Rock Rock 35.157 AU 0.377 EM 0.970 ER
14 Rock Rock 43.245 AU 0.075 EM 0.571 ER

Planet #1 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star3.9E+07 KM0.264 AU
Mass2.6E+23Kg0.043 Earth masses
Surface gravity336.5 cm/sec20.34 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 46.4° Celcius
115.6° Fahrenheit
+32.4° C Earth temperature
+58.4° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-220.7° C
-365.3° F
- 216.2° C
421.1° F
Equatorial radius2258.3 Km0.35 Earth radii
Density5.33 grams/cc0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.010
Escape Velocity 3.9 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained104.4 and aboveXe
Axial tilt24°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature2558.68° K+1285.68° C Earth temperature
Length of year61.43 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day1474.20 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celcius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #2 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Cold, Airless, 1-Face
Distance from primary star6.1E+07 KM0.410 AU
Mass8E+23Kg0.134 Earth masses
Surface gravity492.8 cm/sec20.50 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-16.7° Celcius
1.9° Fahrenheit
-30.7° C Earth temperature
-55.3° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-237.6° C
-395.6° F
- 135.4° C
275.7° F
Equatorial radius3291.0 Km0.52 Earth radii
Density5.36 grams/cc0.97 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.000
Escape Velocity 5.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained20.3 and aboveN2, CO, NO, O2, H2S, Ar, CO2, N2O...
Axial tilt25°
Planetary albedo 0.07
Exospheric Temperature1060.19° K-212.81° C Earth temperature
Length of year118.94 Earth days1.00 Local days
Length of day2854.52 hours
Boiling point of water-273.1° Celcius
-459.7° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #3 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star9.8E+07 KM0.658 AU
Mass2.4E+24Kg0.405 Earth masses
Surface gravity717.3 cm/sec20.73 Earth gees
Surface pressure 255 millibars0.252 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-107.6° Celcius
-161.7° Fahrenheit
-121.6° C Earth temperature
-218.9° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-120.1° C
-184.2° F
- -96.4° C
-141.6° F
-142.1° C
-223.7° F
- -75.6° C
-104.0° F
Equatorial radius4742.5 Km0.74 Earth radii
Density5.41 grams/cc0.98 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.006
Escape Velocity 8.2 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 3.8 and aboveHe, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2...
Axial tilt20°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature411.72° K-861.28° C Earth temperature
Length of year241.77 Earth days136.07 Local days
Length of day42.64 hours
Boiling point of water65.7° Celcius
150.2° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.1
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #4 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudy, Unbreathably thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star1.3E+08 KM0.886 AU
Mass1.6E+23Kg0.027 Earth masses
Surface gravity289.1 cm/sec20.29 Earth gees
Surface pressure 1 millibars0.001 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-123.8° Celcius
-190.9° Fahrenheit
-137.8° C Earth temperature
-248.1° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-213.6° C
-352.5° F
- -39.1° C
-38.5° F
-228.6° C
-379.5° F
- -24.2° C
-11.6° F
Equatorial radius1941.9 Km0.3 Earth radii
Density5.33 grams/cc0.96 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.014
Escape Velocity 3.4 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained12.6 and aboveN, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Axial tilt17°
Planetary albedo 0.52
Exospheric Temperature227.14° K-1045.86° C Earth temperature
Length of year377.69 Earth days27.11 Local days
1.03 Earth years
Length of day334.38 hours
Boiling point of water-24.3° Celcius
-11.8° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage94.1
Ice cover percentage48.3

Planet #5 Statistics
Planet typeIceIce
Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Normal atmosphere
Distance from primary star1.7E+08 KM1.113 AU
Mass3.4E+24Kg0.572 Earth masses
Surface gravity808.0 cm/sec20.82 Earth gees
Surface pressure 511 millibars0.504 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-142.7° Celcius
-224.9° Fahrenheit
-156.7° C Earth temperature
-282.1° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-145.9° C
-230.6° F
- -139.7° C
-219.5° F
-165.3° C
-265.5° F
- -122.0° C
-187.7° F
Equatorial radius5315.2 Km0.83 Earth radii
Density5.44 grams/cc0.99 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.005
Escape Velocity 9.3 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 1.1 and aboveH2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne...
Axial tilt19°
Planetary albedo 0.70
Exospheric Temperature143.89° K-1129.11° C Earth temperature
Length of year531.90 Earth days743.06 Local days
1.46 Earth years
Length of day17.18 hours
Boiling point of water82.2° Celcius
180.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage100.0

Planet #6 Statistics
Planet typeVenusianVenusian
Hot, Arid, Cloudy, Unbreathably thick atmosphere
Distance from primary star2.9E+08 KM1.955 AU
6.499 Earth masses
6.216 Earth masses dust
0.284 Earth masses gas
Surface gravity1122.2 cm/sec21.14 Earth gees
Surface pressure4936756 millibars4872.199 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature1242.5° Celcius
2268.6° Fahrenheit
+1228.5° C Earth temperature
+2211.4° F Earth temperature
+1378.3° C greenhouse effect
Normal temperature range
1232.2° C
2250.0° F
- 1236.2° C
2257.1° F
Equatorial radius15197.1 Km2.4 Earth radii
Density2.64 grams/cc0.48 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.193
Escape Velocity18.5 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.1 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt18°
Planetary albedo 0.52
Exospheric Temperature 46.65° K-1226.35° C Earth temperature
Length of year1237.97 Earth days2076.66 Local days
3.39 Earth years
Length of day14.31 hours
Boiling point of water729.8° Celcius
1345.6° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage100.0
Ice cover percentage 0.0

Planet #7 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Low-G, Cold, Icy, Arid, Cloudless, Thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star6.1E+08 KM4.094 AU
Mass2E+24Kg0.342 Earth masses
Surface gravity379.8 cm/sec20.39 Earth gees
Surface pressure 97 millibars0.096 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-194.3° Celcius
-317.7° Fahrenheit
-208.3° C Earth temperature
-374.9° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-199.4° C
-327.0° F
- -189.4° C
-308.9° F
-219.6° C
-363.2° F
- -170.9° C
-275.7° F
Equatorial radius5988.8 Km0.94 Earth radii
Density2.27 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.080
Escape Velocity 6.7 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.2 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt28°
Planetary albedo 0.34
Exospheric Temperature 10.63° K-1262.37° C Earth temperature
Length of year3752.81 Earth days3662.67 Local days
10.27 Earth years
Length of day24.59 hours
Boiling point of water45.1° Celcius
113.2° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage34.0

Planet #8 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star7.5E+08 KM5.008 AU
Mass5.6E+26Kg94.498 Earth masses
17.289 Earth masses dust
77.209 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius49558.9 Km7.8 Earth radii
Density1.11 grams/cc0.2 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.060
Escape Velocity39.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt35°
Planetary albedo 0.49
Exospheric Temperature 7.11° K-1265.89° C Earth temperature
Length of year5076.61 Earth days11676.84 Local days
13.90 Earth years
Length of day10.43 hours

Planet #9 Statistics
Planet typeMartianMartian
Low-G, Cold, Arid, Cloudless, Unbreathably thin atmosphere
Distance from primary star1E+09 KM6.817 AU
Mass6.5E+24Kg1.092 Earth masses
Surface gravity570.7 cm/sec20.58 Earth gees
Surface pressure 3 millibars0.003 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-210.8° Celcius
-347.4° Fahrenheit
-224.8° C Earth temperature
-404.6° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-216.3° C
-357.3° F
- -205.3° C
-337.5° F
-234.1° C
-389.3° F
- -188.7° C
-307.6° F
Equatorial radius8734.4 Km1.4 Earth radii
Density2.34 grams/cc0.42 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.014
Escape Velocity10.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt31°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 3.84° K-1269.16° C Earth temperature
Length of year8063.44 Earth days9645.97 Local days
22.08 Earth years
Length of day20.06 hours
Boiling point of water-10.8° Celcius
12.6° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.2

Planet #10 Statistics
Planet typeJovianJovian
Distance from primary star1.7E+09 KM11.695 AU
Mass3.5E+26Kg58.676 Earth masses
9.820 Earth masses dust
48.856 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius46286.2 Km7.3 Earth radii
Density0.84 grams/cc0.15 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.007
Escape Velocity31.8 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt23°
Planetary albedo 0.53
Exospheric Temperature 1.30° K-1271.70° C Earth temperature
Length of year18117.67 Earth days35159.50 Local days
49.60 Earth years
Length of day12.37 hours

Planet #11 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star2.2E+09 KM14.715 AU
Mass2.3E+24Kg0.379 Earth masses
Surface gravity393.9 cm/sec20.40 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-231.0° Celcius
-383.9° Fahrenheit
-245.0° C Earth temperature
-441.1° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-235.5° C
-391.8° F
- -226.5° C
-375.7° F
-249.4° C
-416.9° F
- -213.0° C
-351.5° F
Equatorial radius6198.4 Km0.97 Earth radii
Density2.27 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.011
Escape Velocity 7.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt47°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.82° K-1272.18° C Earth temperature
Length of year25573.94 Earth days25416.29 Local days
70.02 Earth years
Length of day24.15 hours
Boiling point of water-36.7° Celcius
-34.1° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

Planet #12 Statistics
Planet typeSub-JovianSub-Jovian
Distance from primary star3.8E+09 KM25.424 AU
Mass1.6E+25Kg2.628 Earth masses
1.465 Earth masses dust
1.163 Earth masses gas
Equatorial radius19958.5 Km3.1 Earth radii
Density0.47 grams/cc0.085 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.031
Escape Velocity10.2 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt39°
Planetary albedo 0.51
Exospheric Temperature 0.28° K-1272.72° C Earth temperature
Length of year58078.15 Earth days55313.56 Local days
159.01 Earth years
Length of day25.20 hours

Planet #13 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star5.3E+09 KM35.157 AU
Mass2.3E+24Kg0.377 Earth masses
Surface gravity393.0 cm/sec20.40 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-245.9° Celcius
-410.6° Fahrenheit
-259.9° C Earth temperature
-467.8° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-248.6° C
-415.6° F
- -243.0° C
-405.3° F
-259.5° C
-435.1° F
- -231.7° C
-385.0° F
Equatorial radius6185.6 Km0.97 Earth radii
Density2.27 grams/cc0.41 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.105
Escape Velocity 7.0 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt62°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.14° K-1272.86° C Earth temperature
Length of year94438.80 Earth days93754.21 Local days
258.56 Earth years
Length of day24.18 hours
Boiling point of water-36.9° Celcius
-34.4° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

Planet #14 Statistics
Planet typeRockRock
Low-G, Cold, Airless
Distance from primary star6.5E+09 KM43.245 AU
Mass4.5E+23Kg0.075 Earth masses
Surface gravity227.1 cm/sec20.23 Earth gees
Surface pressure 0 millibars0.000 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature-248.7° Celcius
-415.7° Fahrenheit
-262.7° C Earth temperature
-472.9° F Earth temperature
Normal temperature range
-251.8° C
-421.2° F
- -245.3° C
-409.6° F
-263.6° C
-442.5° F
- -231.4° C
-384.6° F
Equatorial radius3639.4 Km0.57 Earth radii
Density2.23 grams/cc0.4 Earth densities
Eccentricity of orbit0.065
Escape Velocity 4.1 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 0.0 and aboveH, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O...
Axial tilt42°
Planetary albedo 0.15
Exospheric Temperature 0.10° K-1272.90° C Earth temperature
Length of year128837.42 Earth days97232.06 Local days
352.73 Earth years
Length of day31.80 hours
Boiling point of water-67.8° Celcius
-90.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage 0.0
Cloud cover percentage 0.0
Ice cover percentage 0.1

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