Pantope Logs:
Holocaust World
The Eilythry
Hong Kong
Deryni Gwenedd
Middle Earth
The South Seas
Back to Hreme
Exploring The Pantope
Back to Middle Earth
The CoDominion
Turtle World
New York City
Classical London
On the Dance of Hours
Back to the Pantope
Back to the Dinosaurs
Dumping the Diadem
Cross Time Logs:
Back to Jack
Saving the Hierowesch
Allied Epochs
Off to See the Wizard
Search for Holmes
Wherein the party travels to a World Bender construct that houses both Gwenedd, the setting of Katherine Kurtz's Deryni novels, and Ennorath, J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. This adventure takes them to the Gwenedd continent, and another tangle time. Let's follow them now, and for extra credit, can you keep track of the Rhodri's and their genealogy?
- Week 1, Search the Magic House
- Week 2, Preparing to fit in
- Week 3, To Rhodri's Estate
- Week 4, Settling In
- Week 5, Search for Allies
- Week 6, Dinner with the Duke
- Week 7, Picnic Meetings
- Week 8, Attacked
- Week 9, Talks with Jeffry Cochrum
- Week 10, Meeting an Editor
- Week 11, Covering our Tracks
- Week 12, Captured by the Worldbenders
- Week 13, Breaking Out
- Week 14, To the Teleporter
- Week 15, Running the Gauntlet
- Week 16, On board the Pantope
- Week 17, Jumping Back
- Week 18, Infiltrating the Palace
- Week 19, Learning the Ropes
- Week 20, Protecting the King
- Week 21, Healing the Duke?
- Week 22, Searching the King's Quarters
Created: 23-May-98
Copyright © 1998, Jim Burrows. All Rights Reserved.