Beneath the tree to the north of the Claypool graves is a pair of badly damaged stones. The southern grave is marked with both a head- and footstone. The headstone had fallen over, and we temporarily propped it up in hopes of being able to catch the light and read it, but to little avail. The southern grave's headstone is broken off a few inches above ground level.
The only readable inscription on both headstones is the name "E. Howard". It is well below the main body of the weather-defaced inscription of the southern stone, and is a similar place on the broken northern stone. Our conclusion is that "E. Howard" was the person who carved the two stones.
These could be ,ore Claypools or members of the other families buried here. We have no way to tell.
The Southern footstone is behind Selma in the picture. It's headstone is propped up in front of her left knee. The broken headstone is just beyond her to the right.