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Welcome to Nerd Corner, a small hamlet on the outskirts of Cyberspace.
It's a place where I collect the various bits and pieces of computer and technical stuff on my Web pages. It's a place where you will find programs, icons and Macintosh resources to download and essays on technical matters to read.
At present the following neat stuff is in my collection:
I love chasing down the origins of words like "kludge" and "nerd".
Having found the origins of nerd, I no longer object to being
called one. Here's why.
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StarGen is the latest version of a series of programs I've worked on off
and on over the last thirty years, though none of my code in the current
incarnation is more than half that age. It's a program for creating
moderately believable planetary systems around stars other than our own.
The most recent version runs on Macintosh and Unix machines and produces
HTML files as output.
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Planet is a program to create images of earth-like planets using a
fractal algorithm. I've been working on programs of this sort for about
20 years. A few years back I came across a program by
Torben Ægidius Mogensen
of Denmark that was substantially better than mine. Planet is a Macintosh
port of Torben's program that adds a couple of features including my
own color scheme, and the ability to create Mars-like planets.
Perhaps my most widely used innovation is the "inverse-T" arrangement of
the arrow keys on most keyboards made in the last twenty years. This page
gives a brief history of how that arrangement was adopted by DEC for the
LK201 keyboard, which was then copied by IBM, Apple and the rest of the
Since my Macintosh PowerBook goes with me everywhere, I tend to do my
doodling at meetings etc. on it. This has resulted in a collection of four
dozen icons that I've distributed as freeware. The icon of me in the
title box at the top of this page is one of the first of these. The
V1.1 icons can be downloaded in formats usable on Macintosh, Windows and UNIX systems.
A Macintosh keyboard layout resource that you can install on your
PowerBook to rearrange the arrow keys into am upside-down T pattern, a
pattern that research shows to be the easiest to use.
With the advent of
Kaleidoscope 1.5, I've been able to bring the color scheme that I've used for years on X-Windows and Windows NT systems to the Mac. Eldacur Anteak TM is a my first, and perhaps only Kaleidoscope scheme.
Once I had created a Kaleidoscope scheme from my standard colors, I decided I needed a second one that matched the look of Motif (especially Motif over eXodus) for use at work where my Mac spends a lot of time being an X Windows terminal connected to our Unix system. LeitMotif is therefore my second Kaleidoscope scheme. (So much for Anteak being "perhaps my only Kaleidoscope scheme".)
I can't claim any credit for Eldacur Technologies' third scheme. Eldacur Bluish is the work of my son, Brendan, with only a minimal assist and a fair ammount of encouragement and kibitzing from his father. Fatherly pride aside, I think he's done a top-notch job on his first freeware (or anyware) effort. Bluish is done in light shades of blue and is quite easy on the eyes.
My own third scheme, Eldacur Technologies' fourth, is simply Mauvelous. Sorry about that. Mauvelous is a scheme in light purples, pinks and reds that tries to be as simple and easy to use as many of the grey schemes, but with a dash of color. As with all our schemes, simplicity and usability are the main concerns.
Get your very own Brons, Eldacur Technologies, and Nerd Corner buttons
for your Web page.
Updated: Tuesday, July 15, 2008
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