The inscription on this stone reads, to the best of our ability:
During our second visit to the cemetery, Selma noticed that a small black stone taht was largely buried had some writing on it and managed to make part of the name "Claypool" on it. We cleared away some of the surrounding sod and used shaving cream (see main page for details) to bring out the lettering.
This seems pretty clearly to be the grave of Jane Claypool, the wife of "James Claypool (1701)", whose stone we found not too far away. Jane is listed by some researchers on the internet as "Jane Byrd". I question this as James's great-great-grandfather Adam married a Jane Bird, who is far better documented than this Jane. To date, I've seen no primary or well documented secondary sources that support Jane's maiden name being "Bird". I would greatly appreciate any citations.
So far, this appears to be the oldest grave in the cemetery, and is a crude, hand-inscribed stone, possibly taken from an outcropping on the path leading up to the cemetery.