We left our heroes in Lanthil, having just been given the use of an
air-gondola. Its immediate use is to go see Daewen, up in the
foothills, to ask for help and advice on how to go hunt for Tom. But we
may well wind up using the ship itself as the expeditionary vessel.
"Has it got a name?" Salimar asks the senechal. "Alqua," (Swan) the elf
Robbie and Gannar fly up and look it over. The pilot demonstrates the
controls and remarks that you need to know the locality's prevailing
winds, too. After Moranna says it's okay, the pilot is willing to take
us to see Daewen in her country cottage. He sails rather close to the
luminous falls, tacking upward considerably faster than the sails should
allow, but that's elves for you.
Soon, we reach the tableland on which the upper plateau sits. It's
wooded, and in the woods we find Daewen's house. There's barely room
between the trees to bring the gondola down. We get as low as we can,
then have people float or climb out.
Daewen meets us at the door, obviously interupted in the midst of
cooking. Salimar explains our needs and our tentative plans. Would
some silverwood be a good material for reinforcing the boat?
While they discuss adding silverwood hoops and a cabin, and doing
scaling tricks to create a magically large below-decks where there is
now only luggage space, Daphne flits around back and surveys Daewen's
garden. Very nice. Just started, of course. Surely, she could help it
along some, especially that young silverwood tree...
Out front, after a few minutes, Daewen notes that Salimar is planning
for the worst. That, she points out, could be very dangerous when going
near Chaos' Rim, where one's expectations shape events. And how long do
we want to take, making all these preparations?
Robbie asks Daewen what she would do. She would Walk -- in her own
way, which is to say, witchwalk. We can't do that, but might we ride
Marcher ponies, Salimar asks? All the ponies are being ridden by other
folk, out on other emergency measures.
How about Brunalf, the neo-cat who can pilot his own little dimension
ship? He hasn't been seen recently, Daewen tells us, and, cat-like, he
seems to have slipped away without anyone noticing when.
Gannar suggests having Markel's dragon tow the air-gondola. This looks
promising, but needs some rope-work to keep him out of the way of the
float atop the gondola.
Robbie prefers the idea of rigging a propeller to the gondola, powered
by the magic in the luminous water off the mountain. Daphne points out
that you can take lots of the water with you, if you store it in
containers that are larger on the inside than on the outside...
Daphne, Daewen, and Moranna stay to talk about wood magic and start
creating magically enlarged casks, while the rest of us take the gondola
back to the castle to ask the senechal if we can keep it for our
expedition. Given our own relatively high status and the fact that
Daewen Herself gave us a note approving the idea, he of course says yes.
Next stop is the chandler down in the town, and Tethycles' ship yard.
On the way down the cataract, Robbie tries to learn some steering from
the pilot. Tries. Oh, well.
We find Tethycles on a ship-in-progress. He and Robbie discuss
propulsion systems, such as the magic propeller and the dragon. Salimar
asks if we could stow the float in a reduced-scale cabin. Tethycles
answers that that would probably reduce its lift. He recommends we do
clever things by rigging the float with elven rope.
While we are there, we learn that he made the air-gondolas, or at least
their wooden hulls, and that they are thus already seaworthy.
On to the chandler for rope. He recommends certain re-weavings of the
float's net, and about eight lines of elven rope, spliced by pixies if
we can get them to do it for us.
Robbie sets about recruiting pixies. He flits back up to the castle and
finds some likely-looking "mouse" holes in the kitchen wainscotting.
There, he posts help-wanted ads. Word spreads quickly, and later that
day a swarm shows up around Robbie, back in town. They don't negotiate;
the mutter -- about things like "cats" and "basement people," clearly
remembering the infamous Battle of the Basement.
Robbie assures them the cat has nothing to do with this and offers them
food in return for weaving. Before he can elaborate, they whizz off and
snatch ribbons, bootlaces, string, and ravelings off anyone and anything
in sight. They then start weaving it into an impromtu doiley, in
They are interrupted by an irate sailor in what's left of an unraveled
sweater, who destroys the tangle in the air and berates Robbie soundly
for stirring up pixies. He leaves, and Robbie must now face irate
pixies angry at Robbie for not defending his employees or forking over
the food.
Robbie is rescued, more or less, by a Silver Service officer, who hears
the story, shakes his head sadly, and recommends Robbie seek help at the
castle. Robbie lofts and heads back to the castle, telepathing ahead to
Kate, asking her for several chocolate cakes for the cloud of pixies
trailing him.
Updated: 7-Oct-06
©1984, 1994, 2005 Earl Wajenberg. All Rights Reserved.